Шрифт: Arial Times New Roman
Разстояние между буквите: standard medium large
SoutheastAsia - Europe e обща инициатива на страните от Европейската общност и Югоизточна Азия за сътрудничество в областта на науката, технологиите и иновациите чрез съвместно финнасиране на научно-изследователски проекти.
Поканата ще бъде отворена за научни колективи, които да представят общи проекти в следните тематични области:
1.Water. Integrated Water Resource management
2. Nanotechnologies.
3. ICT. ICT for innovative service creation based on existing technologies including end-users through living labs or innovation hubs
4. Waste.
4.1. ICT solutions for Waste management (urban/industrial/reducing marine litter)
4.2. Waste Management (no ICT focus -urban/industrial, incl. management of chemical and low level radioactive waste produced in various applications of radiation sources
5. Infection Deseases. Infectious Diseases (incl. Antimicrobial Resistance)
6. Food
6.1. Research for sustainable food production along the whole agri-food chain
6.2. Aquaculture
7. Restorative /regenerative economy
8. Machine Learning
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